Thursday, May 29, 2008

So, are there going to be comics next week?

Seriously, just about every book that I read came out this week so suffice it to say I was rather busy today. And I'm just going to go through them in the arbitrary order that they're in at this moment in time. And they're going to be quick because of the season finale of Lost.

New Warriors # 12 - I really have no idea why I'm still reading this book. Wait, I'm a sucker for Paco Medina. Yup, I'm one of those Eastern influenced art style guys. Anyway, This book has just gotten incredibly repetitive. Night Thrasher does something clandestine that nobody approves of. There's some D-List villain wrecking shop. Everyone gets out of it and hugs are all around. And they begrudgingly accept Night Thrasher's reason for surreptitious behavior. With hugs. God I miss classic Beak.

X-Men Legacy # 212 - Keeps getting better and better. Seriously, if you read one MONTHLY (Yes, Astonishing is still better, but, you know, February.) X- book make it this one. It's got deep ties to the lore. A sensible retcon for the douchebag Xavier of the new millennium. And more Gambit than any other book on the shelves. If you like that sort of the thing (i.e. part pimp, part accent that is terribly annoying when overused, and all the pink spandex you can handle)

Uncanny X-Men # 498 - Something happened. I dig Mike Choi's art. Even though everyone looks 15 in the face. It's okay. even though they bring in a villain at the end who belongs in X-Force. Yeah, so...hippies...terrifying? Better than the last couple issues.

Ultimate Spidey # 122 - A cute one and done. Introduces a potentially recurring character. And who doesn't love Ultimate Shocker? At least it's not Geldof? It was alright. Way better than the Deadpool or Sable arcs of years past. Hopefully symbiote wars is better than Venom bomb.

New Avengers # 41 - No sir, I don't like it. I don't know how you can follow up the kick assery of Jim Cheung with the meh that is Billy Tan. Oh, and the story is pretty much a bunch of stuff that you could infer if you read any interviews on SI. He said there were skrulls in New Avengers "Breakout" arc. The ship landed in the Savage Land. As we know there have been Skrulls in SHIELD for a couple of years. I don't think you have to be Richard Oppenheimer to put this one together. Seems a bit unnecessary. Oh, and does anyone believe that Skrull Cap is the real deal? Because if he idea since...just pick something from the 90's

Batman #677 - This is face meltingly good. Seriously, there are bombs that are dropped here that would not work if any other writer was dropping them. It's one of those things were there is the potential to muck up seventy some years of continuity, but if done properly could be mind blowing...for super hero comics. Go buy this. Right now. It'll get that rotten macaroni taste that Resurrection of Ra's Al Guhl may have left in your mouth. Go. finish reading this later. It's not nearly as important.

Iron Fist # 15 - Why aren't you buying Batman 677? God. Still there? Fine. An okay issue of Iron Fist is still better than the majority of books published. That's all that needs to be said I think.

Green Lantern # 31 - Keeping up the damn fine work. It's the #3 super hero book being put out by DC right now in my opinion. The art's solid. The characterization is on point. And they managed to update Pieface...after a fashion. I don't really know how you modernize a character that comes from an outdated colloquial slur that I guess we don't have on the East Coast. Anyway, good stuff. Go buy this book too if you like the capes and tights.

All Star Superman # 11 - The #1 or #2 super hero book coming out from DC right now. It's between this and Batman in my opinion. If you're reading it you know. If you're not. I hate to say this, suck. That's really it. Go, go, get this now. I'm just kidding you don't suck. Sorry, I just get a little snippy because you aren't reading All Star Superman is all.

Young Avengers Presents: Stature - Look, I loved the Henninberg and Cheung. We all did. This book gets a pass because of those sentiments as far as my purchasing of it. That said, I in no way cannot recomend this book with any aplomb. How do I put this...this book is so saccharine that I think I have type 2 diabetes. That ma have been too harsh. Oh well.

X-Force #4 - This book is so very X-Force. It's like that kid you knew in high school who loved Ramstein wrote some X-men fan fiction. But, I kind of like the art for all of it's metal sensibilities. And now onto the rant...How do I put this...the reappearance of a character in this issue makes no (expletive deleted) sense. It (expletive deleted) all over the (expletive deleted) character work of the last (expletive deleted) decade. I mean it worked in the (expletive deleted) 80s. Because it made sense coming out of Mutant Massacre. This here though is just some (expletive deleted). Seriously, Douglock was a better idea than this. Or hell, why don't we just through Technet in the mix. At this point I'd kill for some Technet right now. Or hell, let's bring back Skin and give him some Adammantium skin. I don't know. I'm just waiting for the one where the X-Force Babies murder Power Pack at this point. But, that probably won't stop me from buying it. God that's sad. I did like the puppy variant on the reprints though. I don't know, you're going to buy this anyway.

Giant Size Astonishing X-Men - Go. Buy. Now. Also, called it before the editorial gaffe when the book was supposed to come out (but who didn't?). But not everything. You'll know when you get there. And then it makes so much sense. And it feels so right. Oh, and Marvel needs to let/ force Joss Whedon to write a Spidey book.

Final Crisis # 1- I was pleasantly surprised. IT doesn't seem like the main book is cramming everything in like with Infinite Crisis. (Yes, I'm looking squarely at Rann/Thanagar...and possibly looking back at Rann/Thanagar again.) Anyway, It's good stuff all around. Still on the fence about the New Godz though. Suffice it to say at this point I'm more excited for this mega event than I thought I would be. But, I don't want to get ahead of myself. And hey, two of the less crappy story arcs from Countdown made it in. Unless Mary Marvel kills Libra with an upskirt. Which would probably sell a million copies.

And that's about it for me. I missed the preview books and all of that. Oh, and I totally agree with Matt that DC should do a better job with explaining their cover banners because unless you read Seven Soldiers you may have been curious about the Dark Side club in last week's books. Should be retty self explanatory if you read Final Crisis. Oh, and I got Berserk #23. It earns that Parental Advisory sticker every time it comes out.

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