Friday, June 6, 2008

Kick-Ass Detective

First, Kick-Ass #3 is pretty much the same as Kick-Ass #2: a big, loud, brain-dead, bloody comic with a surfeit of ridiculousness (especially since it takes place in the real world...HA!). This is all to say, a totally awesome book that everyone should be reading. There's got to be a big twist coming (because there are hints to...something), but for now it's just big, goofy fun.

Then there's Detective Comics #845. I've liked the Paul Dini issues of Detective. They are all one or two issue stories that are fun to read. And when Don Kramer or JH Williams III or someone competant was doing the art, I really liked them. This issue is by new regular artist Dustin Nguyen. I'm pretty okay with him. But this issue has one of the most hideous pictures ever. If I can find a scanner, I'll post it but it's toward the end when the murderer is revealed. And it's awful. Still, I enjoyed the story. I like Riddler as Detective and am very glad that Paul Dini seems to have decided against turning him back into a bad guy (which he kept hinting he would do). As for the meet between Batman and Catwoman that is featured on the cover, well, that was two pages that only existed to awkwardly point out that Catwoman's escapades in Salvation Run were in continuity. Other than that, though, good stuff. All of Dini's work on this title has been.

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