Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yeah...About That

Well, this week I'm apparently wearing my angry hat because of one particular book. That book is Ultimate Origins. I have no problem with the Guice. Hell, I have no problem with them trying to go back to the ultimate mission statement of it being a unique universe that has the same characters. What I do have a problem with is, the reveal on the those last couple of pages. That and the fact that they have apparently ignored just about everything Mark Millar did in the burgeoning days of the Ultimate U by giving a certain , pivotal, character powers that have never been mentioned, hinted at or considered even in the books Bendis himself wrote. Oh, and that isn't even the reveal that I am talking about which is frankly silly be comic book standards, but I'll still finish the series. So go check it out to know what will be breaking the internet by the weekend. And now onto the rest of the books.

Secret Invasion # 3 - Like my opinion matters on this one. For what it's worth it's an improvement on the last issue, but still not as good as the first issue. And yes, they tease the unthinkable again. Actually, my only real problem with it is that it seems from time to time that they tease reveals of certain characters (you know who) that seems like it would drop a huge deuce on a lot of quality work that other creators have been doing in the past couple of years. As it's own book though, it's a decent read. And Yu is doing some of the finest work of his career. So, annoying teases aside it's an improvement over last issue. I know I can't wait until issue #5 for the startling return of Mantis. That's a joke...I hope.

Kick Ass # 3 - It's Millar at his Millariest and at some points it teeters on being Ennisish sensibilities. And I couldn't be more thrilled. Still a fun read and it only looks to be getting better. I think that sums it all up really.

Invincible Iron Man #2 - Damn fine. Fraction is keeping up the good work on this one. It's charming, it's got action and yup...Just go buy it.

Cable #4 - Kind of meh. As time wears on I tend to get bothered by some of the things Olivetti does from time to time. I mean I dig the way he renders characters, but some of the effects, the cars and action look a little off from time to time. I mean this is the man who left the Quake 2 targeting reticule in a background in War Journal. Anyway, as for the other content this book is kind of dragging. It's just another example of the modern trend of stretching out what would have been a two issue arc fifteen years ago into at least 4-6 issues for the sake of trade publishing. It's not really that bad it's just drawn out. Makes me afraid for Iron Fist.

Avengers/Invaders # 2 - I have absolutely no idea how this book is going to run for 12 issues. I mean it's been alright so far, but I really think they could wrap this up in a couple more issues. Unless, inevitably, the Avengers get sent through the time bubble and Luke Cage punches out Hitler or Wolverine and 40's Wolverine team up or something. Actually, the most potentially interesting element involves one of the grunts that ended up in the future with the Invaders. And the potential for 2 Submariners showing up next issue. Oh, points off for the bomb arm thing. That just seems bizarre. And if anyone can find evidence of that being an actual tactic well, I'll just be even more disturbed. Pretty much, this book is right in the middle of the pack.

The Boys # 19 - This book had returned to form in the previous arc, and this arc looks to continue the trend. The big thing that changed it was a return to telling stories about characters and attempting to develop them. So, yup, I'd give it the slight thumbs up.

Trinity # 1 - It can't possibly be worse than Countdown... It's not. I seriously have no idea where this is going though, but I'm a sucker for the weekly because, well, it's weekly. I'm going to wait a couple of issues until I pass judgment because this is pure exposition. But at least it'll have consistent art as opposed to Countdown. Also I never knew that I would actually miss 52 as much as I did during the Countdown period.

Well, that's it for me for now. Still haven't read War Journal and I haven't finished Detective yet. If anything that should be a review in and of itself. So there you go. That's about it. I read most of Young X-men and it's, well, Young X-men. With one of the silliest cameos of the year. Why can't we just bring back New X-Men already? And this arc on Spidey was alright which makes me think the next one will probably be awful. Seems to be the way that book goes.

1 comment:

s1rude said...

"And this arc on Spidey was alright which makes me think the next one will probably be awful. Seems to be the way that book goes."

It's when Bob Gale writes that its awful. Otherwise it is solidly mediocre. But dig the Marcos Martin art on this last arc. That dude needs more work.